Fury, as cold as ash, but one that burns deep inside us

Anger and the implications of anger management.

-By Tamanna Das


Anger, that one sickening emotion that we succumb to everyday. One wrong comment, one wrong look, one lesser grade, one wrong stroke of the brush on a canvas can make the fiery pits of our stomach rise up as furious black pits in our eyes and ruthless words, often directed at the innocent person in proximity.

Why does anger make us spew words that we instantly regret after calming down? Increased blood pressure leads to the complete inability to think clearly and make rational decisions which 90% ensures harm to us itself.
But, despite all the backlash that comes with people having terrible anger management, it is more important to understand where and why this anger comes from and what we, as reforming youth, can do about it.

Anger is not an unexplained phenomenon that arises from petty situations like their ego being hurt or jealous. Well, most of the time. Anger can rise from various conditioned traumatic experiences that make it harder for adolescents to rationally dictate their way through a similar current situation, leading to them resorting to anger in the absence of a clear definition of what they are feeling right now.

Anger in adolescents, when looked at from a guardian's point of view, is not necessarily something that needs to be controlled or stopped, but a deep wound in the person that needs to be understood. Anger, just like sadness and happiness, manifests due to events and experience. A bad experience in their childhood, issues with their past romantic relationships and family issues such as a family death or family divorce can increasingly play a big hand in the anger issues a child faces later in their young adult life. It is therefore important to treat anger as a call for help and not a sign of small heartedness. Anger management thus includes understanding where your anger comes from and building a strategic mechanism with oneself to effectively deal with it. The most effective way of being able to be open about your anger is through effective counselling sessions, either as a support group or one-on one with a professional specialist.

People also tend to think of anger as a form of aggression, which is far from the truth. Anger is an emotion that can lead to negative thoughts in one’s head but can also clear their head. Aggression, on the other hand, is a trigger that can physically and emotionally harm the other person severely.
Thus, anger and anger management are not something one should be ashamed of or proud of. It's just like any other activity we go through everyday. The key lies in making that activity more positive and rational rather than heated and rash.